This page describes key time management tools and time management techniques that will enable you to manage time wisely. Such time management systems are essential requirements for self improvement and being in control.
Importance of time management:
Most of us have learned the advantages of using time management tools the hard way. That is, we have often experienced the negative consequences of poor or no time management. For example:
* a feeling of guilt or lost opportunity when wasting time
* frustration as our goals or targets are not achieved, often leading to physical, mental or emotional tension and stress
* de-motivation as we fall further behind
* increasing pressure as we let down others and ourselves by not doing what is expected of us when it is expected
* (sometimes) a loss of self esteem as we feel to fail?..again
* (sometimes) a feeling of being a victim to circumstances or others that are outside our control (and that feels unfair and unjust) etc.
I?m sure that you could easily add to this list from your own experiences.
But, the above is not inevitable. Learning time management will help us to avoid those negative consequences. Using some simple time management tools will yield positive outcomes, such as:
* feelings of achievement and success as we deliver results consistently
* high levels of self esteem derived from being able to manage time to accomplish more
* high influence of others, often including respect and trust, leading to leadership
* powerful feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment (happiness) and being in control of our life (rather than being run by it) etc.
Again, I?m sure that you could add to this list of benefits from learning time management skills.
Definition of time management:
Having explored why is time management important, we should define what we mean by it ? what is time management?
This is trickier than it may appear at first sight because ?time management? is an oxymoron.
That is, taken literally, time management is mission impossible. We cannot manage time in any absolute sense. We can use time management tools to help, of course, but that?s not quite the same as controlling time.
And, most of the time, the problem with time is not time, it?s us and how we use and abuse this most precious and perishable resource.
If we really haven?t got enough time to achieve what needs to be achieved, that?s a resource issue and we should sort it out accordingly (e.g. we could use the i-c-s-i process and / or we could use some problem solving techniques).
To define time management, and the meaning of time management, purely in terms of techniques and planners and forms and time management systems etc. is to miss the point ? none of these things will manage time.
What we have to manage is ourselves and our use of time. This nearly always boils down to improving three key things:
1. how and what we prioritise
2. our habits and how they drive our behaviour
3. our self discipline and determination (e.g. to achieve our SMART goals).
Time management techniques:
There are many very good time management programmes out there (see ?Other recommended sites? at the foot of this page) but, as we discussed above, they cannot manage your time for you.
They will provide you with useful techniques to help, but only YOU can do it (e.g. through effort and motivation and perseverance etc.).
And that starts from within you, not from outside of you and it will involve, probably, change.
Click here to visit our time management techniques page which will describe nine key time management tools to facilitate your self management and self improvement.
Time management tools will facilitate your self management.
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If you wish to explore a sophisticated time management system (in a new window), visit
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