Thursday, January 3, 2013

FTC ends long Google probe with mild reprimand

9 hrs.

U.S. regulators on Thursday closed a long-running investigation of Google with a relatively mild agreement that is likely to disappoint rivals and critics of the Web search giant.?

Under the agreement, Google agreed to end the practice of "scraping" reviews and other data from rivals' websites for its own products, and to allow advertisers to export data to independently evaluate advertising campaigns, the Federal Trade Commission said.?

FTC Chairman Jon Leibovitz said Google also agreed to license standard patents on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms.??

?The changes Google has agreed to make will ensure that consumers continue to reap the benefits of competition in the online marketplace and in the market for innovative wireless devices they enjoy,? said? Leibowitz. ?This was an incredibly thorough and careful investigation by the Commission, and the outcome is a strong and enforceable set of agreements.?

FTC press release?

Reuters contributed to this report.?


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