Thursday, October 11, 2012

Effects Of Excessive Parental Guidance And Control - Ayushveda

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Effects Of Excessive Parental Guidance And Control Parental guidance is desired at multiple stages in a child?s life, particularly when young, to bring out the best in his interest. It is an essential part of grooming children and every parent?s responsibility to provide appropriate guidance. Nonetheless, even the best of parenting skills may get backfired and seem questionable on occasions. What can be the probable reason(s) behind this?

Parenting is meant to be motivating and optimistic. Rules are integral to make parenting skills more effective and functional.?However, too many rules can be bad in parenting. Several books on the subject, like The Psychology of Parental Control: How Well-Meant Parenting Backfires By Wendy S. Grolnick, try to highlight the adverse effect of too much control over children by parents.

Authors have been highlighting the negative effects of controlling parenting strategies especially found in Western countries.?Find out how too much parental guidance and control can be a deceptive parenting skill which is not only unacceptable but also can cause damage to a child?s development.

Negative Effects of Excessive Parental Guidance And Control

Excessive Parental Control May Interfere With A Child?s Psychological Development

Researchers examining the effects of parental control are inclined to share the idea that too much parental influence can hinder a child?s developmental process. Children seem to take this as interference and loss of control over their own lives. This is particularly significant when children are entering adolescence and want more freedom from parental control.

Effects Of Excessive Parental Guidance And Control

While guidance from parents is still required at this stage too, it should not become too influential or demanding. The more parents make decisions for their children, the lesser can be their emotional independence. With time and increasing maturity among children, parental guidance should be exercised in a controlled manner. Children expect this decrease in supervision; they can depict hostile behavior when parents refrain from decreasing control.

It is observed that children in Western nations can depict negative outcomes of parental control. The East Asian children can be more receptive of parental guidance and engagement compared to their Western counterparts. Nevertheless, research points out that too much interference can produce unfavorable effects on the psychology of children, irrespective of the place they belong to.

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Guidance May Be Good For Childhood But Can Be Questionable In Adulthood

Parental guidance and control is an important element of parenting when upbringing children. By obeying their parents, children get loved and socially admired. But there is a risk that as adults they can continue to pursue the activity and sacrifice their own instinct and judgment.

Scientists argue that too much of anything is not very good. A study undertaken by the Universite de Montreal (Canada) brings out that if parents become too domineering and authoritarian, children are likely to become more obsessive compared to their peers. Scientists found this to be especially applicable regarding a child?s/adult?s passion for hobbies.

The research team (Department of Psychology) studied 588 people, including children and adults, who were musicians and athletes. The study revealed that the more controlling parents made it harder for their children to have a harmonious passion for their preferred/favorite activity. It was also found out that adults exercised abusive authority and even forced their children to follow an activity.

Effects Of Excessive Parental Guidance And Control, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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